Sunday, July 1, 2012

Essentials of sale agency agreement

Agents are intermediaries that sell goods or services on one’s behalf in return for commission. For this purpose, the Sales Agency Agreement is crafted to lay down the rights and obligations of each party.

The agreement specifies

 The agents' payment structures (commissions, percentage of profits, etc.) for selling the product(s)      
 For acting on behalf of the Principal and/or
 For performing sales functions as laid down in the agreement

Key considerations in appointing an agent in South Africa are:
• One needs to appoint an agent who knows market well.
• One needs to consider national distribution.

Agent's duties include:
• Act on behalf of and be subject to the control of the principal
• Act within the scope of authority or power delegated by the principal
• Discharge his or her duties with appropriate care and diligence
• Avoid conflict between his or her personal interests and those of the principal, and
• Promptly hand over to the principal all monies collected on principal's behalf.

Principal's duties include:
• Compensate the agent as agreed.
• Indemnify  him against claims, liabilities and expenses incurred in discharging duties assigned by the principal.

Agency agreements can also contain additional terms
• Sale of residential property
• Sale of rural land
• Leasing of residential or rural property
• Management of residential property or rural land
• Management of strata or community title land
• Sale of business
• Buyer’s agency

Oral agreement not beneficial
Oral agreement is not beneficial for the both principal and the agent. There is no legal requirement that it must be in written form. It is made to sell the products in return of commission. Agent always acts on the behalf of the principal. An agent may be either an employee or self-employed.

What should it cover?
It is essential that it must be a clearly written document, and cover the following bare minimum elements:
• The territory that the agent is responsible for.
• The exclusivity of the territory for the agent.
• The agent's payment structure (i.e. commission on sales)
• The Principle's responsibilities toward the agreement
• The rights to premature end of the relationship
• Compensation in the event of a premature end to the relationship

Non-compete Clause
One of the most common clauses in an agency agreement is the "non-compete" clause that the Principle often puts there to prohibit the Agent from entering into similar agreements with competitors. The non-compete may be either for the duration of the contract or be tied to a specific task, project, or period.

Provisions in respect of remuneration

 How the agent is to be remunerated
 Where the agency agreement does not provide for this
 The circumstances where the agent is entitled to be paid after the termination of the agreement
Requirements that the principal provide regular statements of the amount of commission due to         the agent

Termination of Agency agreement
The law in this area sets
 The necessary notice periods required before termination
 Compensation for damage to be provided to the agent on the termination of the agreement
 Compensation where the agent dies.

South African law recognizes the following grounds for setting aside a contract:
 misrepresentation;
 duress;
 undue influence; and
 commercial bribery

Sales Agency Contract contains the following provision:
1. Definitions and Interpretation
2. Appointment of Agent
3. Method of Sale
4. Intellectual Property
5. Principal’s Obligations
6. Financial Provisions
7. Confidentiality
8. Force Majeure
9. Term and Termination
10. Post-Termination Compensation
11. Exclusion of Compensation
12. Relationship of the Parties
13. Nature of the Agreement
14. Severance
15. Notices
16. Law and Jurisdiction

Reason to buy from Net Lawman
 Net Lawman provides you a comprehensive range of articles that save your time and can be amended accordingly as and when required.

How can a pre-nuptial agreement save you money?

Importance of a prenuptial agreement
Prenuptial agreement is an important written document that is drafted and signed by a couple who is going to enter into a marital relationship. This agreement or contract is prepared to safeguard the rights of both in case of marriage failure. In such a situation, the division of property and other joint assets usually become a matter of dispute and prenuptial agreement plays its vital role by providing a pre-determined, mutually agreed, solution.

 How it saves money?
• You won’t have to hire an expensive lawyer to settle the disputes.
• You won’t make an excuse in your normal life and have to go up and down for court hearings.
• Generally, if there is no pre nup agreement, then law equally distributes assets between spouses.

Legal Significance of Prenuptial Agreement in South Africa
In South Africa, Divorce Act 70 of 1979 comes forward in settling such issues. If husband and wife do not compile and sign a contract before marriage and fail to continue their marital relationship and want divorce then the division of property and all other joint assets will be dealt under this Act of South African law.
However, if they sign a prenuptial contract before marriage they will remain on safe grounds in the event of divorce as they will resolve disputes regarding the division of property and assets according to a mutually agreed manner. They do not need to involve the court which may harm the interest of any one of them or even both of them.

In the preparation of a prenuptial agreement for South Africa, these are some important points which should be included in the written contract.
Personal details of the couple (Names, addresses)
Time of divorce or separation
Procedure joint property’s division
Total capital calculations
Claim of marital residence
Who will be responsible of mortgages and other utility bills
All other joint assets
Responsibility of debts
Resolving disputes about division of assets
Who will look after children
Spousal support

For having a comprehensive prenuptial agreement template in plain English, just contact to Net Lawman who are the best in this business as they compile all sorts of contract templates and you just need to make small editing in this document to mould it to fulfill your personal requirements.